Time traveling

Is time travel possible? That is a question :slight_smile: - If you have seen the film Somewhere in Time there is a scenario where Richard Collier asks his old college professor about a book he wrote about time travel. He stated that he completely immersed himself in Venice Italy and put himself in a very old room to make it seem like he was in that moment of time. I have tried the same thing in my home because we have very old light fixtures and was built in 1926. Focusing myself on that time period and surrounding myself with these elements actually did make me feel like I was living in that time even though we are in the present, thinking about past memories as well in our minds I think its possible to re-live the moments over and over if we focus on it enough if we want to. Also sometimes I have focused on future and space travel and walking by a gas station I believed to be at an intergalactic space port to fuel space ships. Anyhow I believe he was on to something and believe we can live in the present and the past at the same time.

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I’ll go you one better Sean – I believe that we ARE living in the present (and the future) at the same time! How’s that for a bold and wacky statement. :sunglasses:

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I feel that :slight_smile: the mind is a powerful engine - whenever i want to go back in time and visit my grandpa I think of this photo, he is in the bottom left corner of the photograph Paul Land “Keyboard Sensation”

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