Title: Deep Fake
Genre: Action Sci-Fi
Dramatic Question: What if bees went extinct? (and were replaced by man-made, indestructible killer bees)
Tagline: Don’t believe, Make Believe
Premise: Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
Logline: DNA and Deepfaker expert, Phoenix, is hired by a chemical CEO, Pacino, to reverse the colony collapse of bees caused by his company’s weed killer by replacing bees with a bio-synthetic version using DNA from killer bees. Unfortunately, the result is a toxic cocktail and an indestructible species that threatens mankind.
<<We altered our original Pitch slightly :)>>
Star: Joaqin Phoenix
Co-Star: Al Pacino
Topic: Deepfake
Genre: Action Sci-Fi
Cause: Colony Collapse
Set Piece: swarm of killer bees
Product Placement: Monsanto? Ginsu Knives
Dramatic Question: What if bees went extinct?
Premise : Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men
Character Archetype: Magician (power)